Bible Study Group

John Malbon, retired vicar and helper at the Four Churches, along with his wife Janet, help to guide an enthusiastic group of people to know more about their faith and understand the Bible better in a friendly and informal way. Everyone has questions and sometimes doubts and nothing is off the agenda when they meet at the home of Deana and Gerald Emerton, for 6 weekly sessions about twice a year, in the Spring and Autumn. The meetings take place on a Thursday morning for one and a half hours to discuss one of the Scripture readings set for the following Sunday and to drink coffee.
Everyone is encouraged to join in the discussion, and it’s all right to simply listen. Sometimes the subject matter can get blurred, but after a while, John’s kindly supervision brings everyone back on course.

Dates, times, venue and Scripture readings to be discussed are announced in church, on the Parish Website and on a paper copy for easy reference. More information can be obtained from John & Janet Malbon on 01270 611584 or Please get into contact and if Thursday mornings don’t suit, let them know if a better time or day would be more convenient and suitable arrangements can be made for further meetings if needed.

It will be great to welcome new faces. Keep a look out for the next session which will take place as soon as is possible. Looking forward to seeing you.