Flower Guild and Altar Flowers Rota
For many years the ladies of the Church have used their floral skills to enhance the church building; to add pleasure and delicacy to the bold red sandstone and polished oak of its century’s old grandeur. The major festivals of the church are marked by special flower displays around the building, large and small, inside and sometimes outside. Easter, Harvest, Armistice and Christmas have been addressed by the Flower Guild, often assisted by the many people who support the Church. Flowers are arranged on the main altar every week (except during Advent and Lent) by members who are on the Altar Flowers Rota. Often people do this to celebrate a personal anniversary or to remember a lost loved one.
Anyone interested in assisting and taking part in the floral installations at the church and wish to join either Flower Guild or Altar Flowers Rota, or both, would be very welcome and should contact Deana Emerton (01270 624889) or Gill Evans (01270 524341)