Messy Church

Messy Church – a fun way to worship for all ages – and we are all different!

At St Mary’s, Acton we welcome newborns to nineties and we try to offer something for everyone. Faith-based, each month we have a different theme with songs of worship, led by our small band, bible storytelling in drama form acted out by both children and adults, an active prayer time and a choice of craft activities, one of which is always edible. If craft is not your thing there is the option to look at the bible readings and discuss the theme of the day. We end with more time together (around 11.15 am) to drink and eat mountains of toast, cake and more!

Messy Church is a relaxed and fun place to be at 10am usually the third Sunday of every month. Come and give it a try – you will be made very welcome.

For further info contact Tracey Foster 01270 626802


Messy Church News

Messy Church started in an Anglican church near Portsmouth, UK in 2004 and has grown into an international movement operating across a wide range of Christian denominations and traditions. It became part of the Bible Reading Fellowship (BRF) in 2006 with the publication of the first Messy Church book by founder Lucy Moore. Messy Church enables people of all ages to belong to Christ together through their local church. It is a way of being church which is particularly suited to families but welcoming to all. For more information visit