Forest Church October 2022
For our first open meeting we celebrated Harvest and the move from autumn to winter.
What a happy morning we spent creating Autumn and the spirit of harvest.
Standing in a circle under the trees in Deana Emerton’s garden, Penni Doyle spoke about many of the harvest traditions and in particular the importance of the “Circle”. This was followed by the planting of a large circle with some 30 Snowdrops to the west of the Almshouses representing the anticipation of Spring and renewal.
We then, under the watchful eye of Ann Williams, created four colourful wall hangings representing, North, South, East & West using leaves and cuttings which we had all collected from the churchyard. These are now on display under The Tower in St. Mary’s.
After enjoying apple cake and mulled apple juice we completed our devotions around a fire in the churchyard where Sue Hull read a moving poem, as we reflected upon the power of “light”.
Many thanks to Ann for the materials she provided and to Penny and Sue for their readings.
Watch this space for details of the next Forest Church meeting.