Monumental Inscriptions and Churchyard Map
The information provided below aims to guide our website visitors to where they might access the parish records for St Mary’s Church.
Monumental Inscriptions
St Mary’s Church, Acton keeps a record of the churchyard and monumental inscriptions. These records were compiled by the South Cheshire Family History Society. Periodic updates will take place during the course of the year.
You can view the relevant pdf documents below:
This includes:
- Index of surnames and memorial locations.
- Listing of the memorial inscriptions.
- Overall map of the graveyards with sections.
- Individual section maps with grave numbering.
- Plan of the Church with internal inscriptions.
Website visitors are free to view and print the maps, however the index and inscription documents can only be viewed here or in person at the church.
Copyright of the pdf documents is with St. Mary’s Church Acton.
External Sites That May Be Useful
St Mary’s has no control over the content of third party web sites.
Some of the grave stones are photographed and recorded on the web site Billiongraves :
Parish Chest
The historic Parish Chest and records are stored by the Cheshire Archives Office, Duke Street, Chester. Tel: 01244 972574
Birth, marriage and burial records are generally available to be viewed on microfilm at the records office. The originals and secondary documents are in deep storage and are not available without pre-booking. Please see their website for details of the documents held.
Find My Past
Findmypast UK also have birth, marriage and burial records, and many other records, but not all have images of the original document.