Messy Church – February 2024
Families picked up treats on the way in this morning – who would be tempted to eat them straightaway? We shared our favourite toppings for pancakes – blueberry, raspberry and mango anyone? – and found out why Pancake Day was originally Shrove Tuesday. Lent is a time for Christians to exercise their spiritual muscles as well as showing some self discipline with the crisps and chocolate, a time to take something else on, not just give something up. Lent lasts for 40 days , the same time Jesus spent in the wilderness being encouraged by the devil to give up his God, follow him and the world would be all his! Jesus understands what it is to be tempted and encourages us to read God’s word to point us in the right direction. There was much concentration as we made some bible biscuits, a scripture heart craft and some spaghetti towers to remember the story. Peter’s group looked in more detail at Jesus’ temptations.
Join us 17th March 10am for the Easter Story – with a special guest!.
Messy Church team x