Messy Church – October 2022

October 2022

When Jesus walked into Jericho, a determined little man climbed a tree to make sure he didn’t miss seeing him. Jesus invited himself to his house for tea and Zacchaeus’s life changed for ever! But he had to do something first, say he was really sorry and put things right, before he could welcome Jesus as his friend and Saviour. After our saying-sorry prayers we too sang “I am a new creation”. We decorated gingerbread biscuits with the scene and determinedly built our tallest ‘tree’ using spaghetti and marshmallows. It was quite a challenge! Peter’s group discussed how this story, only found in St Luke’s gospel, along with other “lost and found” parables was important to Luke with the theme of forgiveness and new life for all who wanted it.

Join us on 20th November for Light in the Darkness, when we will also be making decorations for the Christmas Tree Festival. Remember 10am!

Everyone very welcome.

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