Messy Church November 2021
What kind of king is Jesus? We found out when we celebrated the Feast of Christ the King last week. The Bishop’s chair was brought out for the King’s throne, and Sam was kitted out in fancy coat and crown only for it all to be taken off him again! Jesus gave up his kingly throne in heaven becoming one of us, healing the sick, showing fairness and justice, being a friend to the unloved and eventually giving his life on the cross, to rise again and be alive for ever.
We prayed for Jesus to be king in our lives every day and made sparkling crowns for Messy Church display for the Christmas tree festival. Pete’s group discussed the difference between a kingdom inspired by Jesus’ teaching and earthly ones.
Messy Nativity December 2021
The Messy Nativity went with a BOOM! as we discovered the impossible things God made happen when Jesus was born. An angel appeared and disappeared and unbelievable messages were passed on. The children did a fantastic job acting out the story, speaking loudly and clearly. Well done everyone! During coffee time we gave out a 2022 Messy Church calendar to start decorating. It was good to see new faces and hope they feel part of our Messy Church family soon.
Everyone is welcome at our Messy Christingle January 16th 2022!