Messy Church – October 2023
We had a good time this morning when we re-enacted the story of the King’s banquet. Lord and Lady Have-a-lot, Daniel Craig and Mo Salah turned down the invitation to the feast which meant there was plenty for everyone else! Everyone was given special hats, and jewels to wear but one man didn’t want to join in. Janet told us about being invited to Buckingham Palace and modelled the hat she wore. Jesus told many stories starting “The kingdom of heaven is like….” In this case a party to which EVERYONE is invited – you just have to say “yes” to become part of his family, brothers and sisters together. We decorated our party hats, placemats and made cakes while Pete’s group discussed other illustrations of God’s invitation and the need for a whole-hearted response.
Join us November 19th at 10am for “His name is John!”
Messy Church team x